How to Make Delicious Air Fryer Pizza: Tips and Tricks

Air Fryer Pizza

Pizza is loved all around the world and for good reason. It's tasty, filling, and easy to customize to your personal preferences. Whether you like it with thick or thin crust, with meat or vegetables, or with a classic tomato sauce or a more unique topping, pizza is a dish that can be customized to suit your preferences. However, making pizza at home can be a challenge, especially if you don't have access to a traditional pizza oven. With the rise of air fryers in recent years, many people have been wondering whether it's possible to make pizza in an air fryer. The answer is a resounding yes!

Air fryer pizza is a fun and easy way to make pizza in your kitchen without having to worry about heating a full-sized oven. With an air fryer, you can cook pizza quickly and efficiently, and with the right techniques, you can even achieve a crispy, delicious crust that rivals the best pizzerias. In this article, we'll show you how to make delicious air fryer pizza that will be the envy of all your friends and family.

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Choose the Right Crust

The first step to making great air fryer pizza is choosing the right crust. While you can use any type of crust you like, thin and crispy crusts tend to work best in an air fryer. This is because thicker crusts may not cook through properly in the limited space of an air fryer basket, which could result in a soggy or undercooked crust. Here are some tips for choosing the right crust:

Pre-made Crusts

Pre-made Crusts If you're short on time or don't want to make your own crust from scratch, there are plenty of pre-made crust options available at most grocery stores. Look for crusts that are specifically labeled as "thin crust" or "crispy crust" for best results in an air fryer.

Homemade Crusts

If you want to make your own crust from scratch, there are plenty of recipes available online. Look for recipes that are specifically designed for air fryer pizza, as the cooking times and temperatures may be slightly different than a traditional oven-baked pizza. If you're making your own crust, be sure to roll it out thinly and evenly to ensure that it cooks through properly. You can also try using alternative crusts, such as cauliflower crust or zucchini crust, for a healthier or gluten-free option.

Preparing the Pizza

Once you have your crust chosen, it's time to start preparing your pizza. Here are some tips for getting the perfect air fryer pizza:

Preheat Your Air Fryer

Before you start cooking your pizza, it's important to preheat your air fryer to 400°F. This will ensure that the pizza cooks evenly and that the crust gets crispy. Depending on your air fryer model, preheating may take anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes. Check your air fryer's manual for specific instructions.

Add Your Toppings

Once your air fryer is preheated, it's time to add your toppings. Keep in mind that the limited space of an air fryer basket means that you'll need to keep your toppings minimal and thinly sliced to ensure that they cook through properly. Stick to simple toppings like cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni for best results.
If you do want to add vegetables, make sure to slice them thinly and pre-cook them if necessary. This will prevent them from burning or overcooking during the air frying process.

Cook Your Pizza

Now it's time to cook your pizza! Place your prepared pizza in the air fryer basket and cook for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of your crust and the toppings you're using, so keep an eye on your pizza and adjust the cooking time as needed. Here are some tips for getting the perfect air fryer pizza:

Cook in Batches

If you're making more than one pizza, it's best to cook them in batches rather than trying to cook them all at once. This will ensure that each pizza cooks evenly and that the crusts get crispy.

Check Often

It's important to check on your pizza frequently during the cooking process. This will prevent it from burning or overcooking. Depending on the thickness of your crust and the toppings you're using, cooking times may vary. As a general rule, cook your pizza for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Let Cool Before Slicing

Once your pizza is done cooking, it's important to let it cool for a few minutes before slicing it. This will help the cheese set and prevent the toppings from sliding off the pizza when you cut into it.


Q: Can I use a frozen pizza in an air fryer?
A: Yes, you can use a frozen pizza in an air fryer. Simply follow the cooking instructions on the packaging, but reduce the cooking time by a few minutes to account for the faster cooking time in the air fryer.

Q: Can I make a deep-dish pizza in an air fryer?
A: It is possible to make a deep-dish pizza in an air fryer, but it may not turn out as well as a thin and crispy crust. The limited space in the air fryer basket may make it difficult to cook a thick crust properly.

Q: How do I prevent my pizza from sticking to the air fryer basket?

A: To prevent your pizza from sticking to the air fryer basket, be sure to lightly grease the basket with cooking spray before placing your pizza in it. You can also place a piece of parchment paper on the bottom of the basket before adding your pizza to prevent sticking.


Air fryer pizza is a tasty and easy way to make pizza at home without having to heat up a full-sized oven. By choosing the right crust, preheating your air fryer, keeping your toppings minimal, and cooking your pizza at the right temperature, you can achieve a crispy, delicious crust that rivals the best pizzerias. With these tips and tricks, you'll be making the perfect air fryer pizza in no time!

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